четвртак, 26. јануар 2012.

Hair Loss Care

Hair Loss Care

Hair Loss does not cause physical disability and is not a serious disease in medical terms. However, it is a stressful condition because has a negative aesthetic impact. Alopecia can induce some psychological consequences such as anxiety and depression. This condition can affect self-image and identity of the person. These days hair loss is extremely common issue not only among men but among ladies too. Hair loss is generator of great anxiety for many, directly affecting their self-esteem and resulting feelings of psychological and emotional humiliation.

Indeed there are several conditions such as Alopecia areata that results in patchy thinning of hair. It can truly harm the growth of the eye brows. The definitive medication decision is created on the degree and persistence of conditions. Initial there's a burst of unexpected hair loss, whose dimension will keep increasing and enlarging. The process of recovery can take between months and years, and during that time it can be a very embarrassing thing to have to live with. Finally, the hair starts to grow back.

Definitely one of the primary causes of hair loss is the extra production of DHT which is a hormone produced by testosterone, again a hormone responsible for male reproductive system growth. When your body begins producing higher values of DHT, the hair follicles begin responding with DHT that makes hear fragile. This can cause to the breaking or the thinning of the hair.

There are is a large range of hair loss therapy being offered or available in hair clinics, salons, pharmacies, and even city malls all around the world. The doubt, however, is available treatment methods are best for every alopecia areata patient.

Specialized scientific discipline has done a lot of improvements and thanks to this progress there are a variety of hair loss treatments available on the market place at the moment. Why don't take a look at a couple of the most common ones. There are techniques to discover the scams from the appropriate hair loss treatments on the market. Stay away of those unproven treatments that tell you they are to be the number one or the best rated hair loss treatment. Don`t use a product that has not been medically verified and tested.

Whenever you are in search of Natural Hair Care products, searching the ideal hair care products can be a really challenging. When someone tried natural hair products they are simply addicted on them. You know why, because they have not side effects and they are totally safe for everyday use. Chemical-based products shouldn`t be used during pregnancy, because they can harm your baby.

Hair loss products on purely natural basis contains minerals and vitamins can be tremendous help with hair growth. The most frequently used vitamins for hair growth are natural B12 and vitamin C. Vitamin E is additional vitamin which is useful for hair renewing. The vitamins help strengthen your hair and sustaining good shape of it. They contain herbal ingredients from different medicinal herbs. Because of that they can stimulate local circulation and hair root renewal. Herb ingredients’ can activates growth of new hair on bald spots ant it is effective in all cases, from the mildest, with only one or several affected spots, to alopecia totalis, which results in complete loss of hair.

Some of the treatments produce only temporary improvement and hair may fall again once treatment was stopped. At the same time do not neglect personal care: hair must be clean and combed once a day with maximum care. Patients in whom treatment failed may benefit from counseling to be helped to increase self-esteem and have a normal life.

Marbo Hair is one of the hair loss products who are 100 % natural. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Using regularly Marbo Activator stimulates new hair growth on thinning scalp and bald regions, while your hair becomes firmer and healthier.

понедељак, 23. јануар 2012.

Kružno Opadanje Kose

Kružno Opadanje Kose

Uzrok kružnog opadanja dlake ( Alopecija Areata ) najčešće na kapilicijumu, ređe na bradi, brkovima, obrvama i trepavicama, nije potpuno razjašnjen. Dok se ranije smatralo da veliku ulogu ima infekcija, stres i endokrini poremećaji, u poslednje vreme preovladava mišljenje da je to posledica autoimunog procesa. Takođe je veliki uticaj nasleđa.

Najčešće se manifestuje na poglavini, genitalijama i bradi. Ponekad, gubitak obrva i trepavica može predstavljati jedini znak oboljenja. Bolest se najčešće javlja između 5 i 40 godina, kod oba pola. Češće oboljevaju žene nego muškarci. Opadanje kose, koje je bez ikakvih tegoba. Tok bolesti je potpuno nepredvidljiv. U najboljem slučaju kosa se potpuno regeneriše za 4 do 10 meseci. Međutim bolet češće traje godinama, pri čemu se javljaju nova polja bez dlake, a stara se šite. Loš prognostički znak je opadanje kose u vidu trake oko skalpa (ophyasis). U najtežim slučajevima kosa totalno opadne.

Zbog delovanja različitih štetnih agenasa dolazi do remećenja normalnog rasta dlake. Pošto je dlaka najmanje osetljiva u fazi mirovanja, pri delovanju štetnih agenasa ona prestaje da raste. U trihogramu se vidi da je procenat dlaka koje su u periodu mirovanja izuzetno veliki i može izniositi 25 do 50%, dok se normalno u toj fazi nalazi 12 do 15% dlaka. Alopecia areata je relativno često oboljenje. Oko 1% stanovnika SAD imalo je najmanje jednu epizodu areatne alopecije do 50. godine života.

Postoje brojni uzroci opadanja kose kao: operacije, boravak u bolnici, gubitak voljene osobe, razvod braka, lekovi (oralni kontraceptivi, antikoagulansi, retinoidi), drastične dijete za mršavljenje. Stres takođe ima važnu ulogu u nastanku opadanja kose. Maligne i sistemske bolesti su često praćene opadanjem kose. Hormoni štitne žlezde takođe utiču na rast dlaka na glavi. Hipotireoza je povezana s gubitkom kose.

Dijagnoza se postavlja na osnovu izgleda kapilicijuma i trihograma. U blažim slučajevima dlaka može da poraste i bez ikakve terapije. U težim slučajevima i terapija može dati samo prolazno poboljšanje. Opšta terapija podrazumeva higijensko-dijetetski režim obogaćen vitaminsko-mineralnim kompleksom za kosu, a pre svega psihičko rasterećenje pacijenta, pa je vrlo često potrebna i konsultacija tj. pomoć psihologa ili psihijatra. Fizikalne procedure, kao što su: UV zraci, laser, tečni azot, ozoniranje, jonoforeza, pulverizacija, masaža, limfna drenaža... mogu dati vrlo dobre biostimulativne rezultate ako je skenerskopski nalaz pozitivan, tj. ako ima vitalnog dela u rizičnim alopetičnim zonama. Lekovi koji se koriste su: minoksidil sprej 2% i 5% (Pilfud, Pilovit) koji se utrljava u teme i finasterid (antiandrogen), koji lekar prepisuje kod nekih tipova ćelavosti. Potrebni su meseci, nekad i do 6 meseci, pre nego što se vidi efekat terapije. Radi se i presađivanje kose, sa mesta na kojima je ima dovoljno na mesta na kojima je više nema.

Što se tiče preparata treba koristiti samo dermatološki ispitane preparate. Jedan od takvih, a potpuno na prirodnoj bazi je i Marbo Kosa . Dermatološki ispitan najuspešniji prirodni preparat za tretiranje alopecie areate. Nema neželjenih posledica čak i nakon višemesečne kontinualne primene. Brzo se apsorbuje i ne ostavlja masan talog. Marbo Aktivator sačinjen je od: Rosmarinus officinalis, Utrica dioica, Hedera helix, Salvia officialis, Juglans regia, Actum loppa, Allium sativum, Betula alba, Matricaria chamomilla, Salix alba...

Aktivni sastojci koprive bogati vitaminima i mineralnim solima potiču lokalnu cirkulaciju i obnovu korena dlake. Kod jačih oblika seboreičnog dermatitisa i perutanja uz Marbo Aktivator preporučuje se upotreba i Marbo Losiona.

понедељак, 16. јануар 2012.

Natural Hair Loss Products

Natural Hair Loss Products

Hair is a crucial part of our identity. Nowadays hair loss is a very common problem not only among males but among females too. Hair loss is a source of great anxiety for many, directly affecting their self-confidence and causing feelings of mental and emotional humiliation. A condition called Alopecia is when large round patches of hair loss appear.

There are other conditions like Alopecia areata which results in patchy loss of hair. It can even affect the growth of the eyebrows. The final treatment decision is based on the severity and persistence of conditions. It might require transplant surgery. First there's a burst of sudden hair loss, who's diameter keeps increasing and enlarging. Finally, the hair grows back. The process can take between months and years to grow back; and during that time it can be a very embarrassing thing to have to live with.

One of the main causes for hair loss is the excess production of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which is a hormone produced by testosterone, again a hormone responsible for male reproductive growth. When your body starts producing excessive amounts of DHT, the hair follicles start reacting with DHT, which makes them weak. This can lead to the breakage or the thinning of the hair.
It is a fact that there are is a wide array of hair loss treatments being offered or available in hair clinics, salons, pharmacies, and even malls all around the world. The question, however, is if these offered treatments have provided the persons enduring alopecia the best hair loss product for them.

Medical science has done a lot of progress and thanks to this progress, there are a number of Hair loss products available on the market today. Let's take a look at some of the most popular ones. There are ways to spot the scams from the legitimate hair loss products on the market. Steering clear of those unproven products that claim to be the number 1 rated hair loss treatment is a good place to start. Make sure you only ever consider using a product that has been clinically tested.

When you are in search of Natural Hair Care products, finding the right hair care products can be a challenge. Once somebody has tried natural hair products they are completely hooked on them. They may begin using them as part of a natural therapy or because pregnancy was not compatible with the use of chemical-based products that would endanger the baby.
Hair care products are of natural origin helps in hair growth that contains minerals and vitamins. The most commonly used vitamins are necessary for hair growth are natural B12 and vitamin C. Vitamin E is another vitamin that is great for natural hair development. The vitamins help strengthen your hair and maintaining good growth.

Marbo Hair Products is one of the products who are 100 % natural. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Using regularly Marbo Shampoo with herbal ingredients full of vitamins and mineral salts stimulate local circulation and hair root renewal. Sage and rosemary extracts regulate sebum secretion, prevent scalp greasing and soothe scalp itching and irritation. In This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Does not contain drug and have no side effects.

четвртак, 12. јануар 2012.

Common And Uncommon Alopecia Causes

Common And Uncommon Alopecia Causes

Alopecia Areata is probably an autoimmune disease. The characteristic initial lesion is commonly a circumscribed totally bald, smooth patch. At its margins, hairs which appear normal may also be very readily extracted. Subsequent progress is variable. The course of alopecia areata is highly unpredictable, and the uncertainty of what will happen next is probably the most difficult and frustrating aspect of the disease. You may continue to lose hair, or your hair loss may stop. The hair you have lost may or may not grow back, and you may or may not continue to develop new bare patches.

Physicians, generally dermatologists, diagnose hair loss by performing a physical examination and looking at the underlying skin and the pattern and distribution of hair loss.
Common causes of hair loss:

• Male-pattern baldness, a non-scarring alopecia (androgenetic alopecia), is genetically determined. In afflicted postpubertal individuals, hair follicles in the center of the scalp and over the temple begin to miniaturize, producing small, fine hairs which are difficult to see. This process is due to the metabolism of testosterone by an enzyme in the hair follicle. Generally, hair follicles over the ears and around the posterior of the scalp do not possess this enzyme so a fringe of normal hair is maintained.

• Female-pattern baldness is very similar to its male counterpart although it is rarely as complete, more diffuse, and often a frontal hairline is maintained.
• Alopecia areata, a non-scarring alopecia, is thought to be an autoimmune disease and is characterized by distinct, localized, sharply marginated areas of hair loss. This characteristically spontaneously remits but occasionally can result in the loss of 100% of all body hair.
• Medications such as allopurinol (Zyloprim) and warfarin (Coumadin)
• Poor nutrition.

Uncommon causes of alopecia:

• Infections such as syphilis and fungal infections,
• Skin diseases such as lupus and lichen planus,
• Skin cancers,
• Hormone problems,
• Kidney failure,
• Liver failure,
• Thyroid disease.

Tere are a large number of hair loss products out there that claim to help men deal with hair loss. You should make sure you do some research before you decide which one to use. The results aren’t often that good. However, most have not yet tried natural medicine as a solution to their problem. They have not realized that herbal shampoos for natural hair care have several advantages over commercial ones: they are easy to procure, inexpensive, and safe since they are natural and have no side effects.

There is a lot of product for natural hair care on the market today. Marbo Hair is one of the products who are 100 % natural. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Using regularly marbo lotion and Marbo Shampoo stimulates new hair growth on thinning scalp and bald regions, while your hair becomes firmer and healthier.

However, you should understand the causes of your hair loss before trying any of these products. You should consult a doctor if you’re experiencing hair shedding because it might be a sign of a more serious medical condition.

понедељак, 9. јануар 2012.

Hair Loss (Alopecia) Advices

Hair Loss (Alopecia) Advices

Alopecia is the medical term for excessive or abnormal hair loss. There are different kinds of alopecia ( alopecia areata , anrogenetic alopecia, totalis, universalis). What all hair loss has in common, whether it’s in men or women, is that it is always a symptom of something else that’s gone wrong. Your hair will remain on your head where it belongs if hormone imbalance, disease, or some other condition is not occurring.

The thought of losing your hair can be a devastating one. Hair loss (alopecia) is a problem that men and women suffer. It is self-limiting and may cause loss of self-confidence. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, some 30 million women in the United States are experiencing some degree of distressing scalp hair loss. Anxiety and depression is common among hair loss sufferers, especially those experiencing total baldness.

Like we said Hair loss can be caused by any number of conditions, reflected in a specific diagnosis. Some diagnoses have alopecia in their title, such as alopecia areata or scarring alopecia, but many do not, such as telogen effluvium.Here are some advices from hair experts:

• Keep your hair and scalp clean. Wash your hair with mild shampoo to take away dirt and oil in your scalp. Keeping your hair and scalp clean is the most important hair loss advice. Frequent shampooing is advised if you have an oily scalp with thinning hair. These surface oils contain high levels of testosterone, which can re-renter the skin and affect the hair follicle.

• Eat a balanced diet. Diet may play a role in the normal process of hair growth. Vitamin deficiency is also a major player in hair loss incidence. Deficiency of zinc, manganese, iron, vitamin B6, biotin… You must eat a therapeutic diet if you want to be successful with natural therapies to address your health concerns. We like nutritional supplements and herbs largely because they are gently effective, with rare to no side effects.

• Avoid hair dryers and chemicals in your hair. Hair dryers and chemicals may upset and irritate the skin in your head. If the scalp becomes too dry or chemically damages, hair loss is going to happen soon.

• Scalp massage, proper blood circulation helps the body to become healthy and strong. This goes with the hair as well. It is good hair loss advice that you massage your scalp as you shampoo. It will help your blood to circulate properly and thus will induce healthy regrowth of hair.

• Hormones are common causes of hair loss. Diet and exercise are key to maintaining optimal hormone balance.

There are a large number of hair loss products out there that claim to help men deal with hair loss. You should make sure you do some research before you decide which one to use. The results aren’t often that good. However, most have not yet tried natural medicine as a solution to their problem. They have not realized that herbal shampoos for natural hair care have several advantages over commercial ones: they are easy to procure, inexpensive, and safe since they are natural and have no side effects.

There is a lot of product for Natural Hair Care on the market today. Their active ingredients full of vitamins and mineral salts stimulate local circulation and hair root renewal. Sage and rosemary extracts regulate sebum secretion, prevent scalp greasing and soothe scalp itching and irritation.

Marbo Hair is one of the product who are 100 % natural. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and face hair. Using regularly Marbo Activator stimulates new hair growth on thinning scalp and bald regions, while your hair becomes firmer and healthier.

петак, 6. јануар 2012.

Šta kada opada kosa?

Šta kada opada kosa?

Alopecia znaci ispadanje kose; Alopecia areata, gubitak kose sa ograničenih površina, najčešće glave, ostavljajući male kruzne površine (patches) kapilicija glave, lica ili drugih kosmatih delova tela gole, bez dlake. Opadanje kose ljudima obično predstavlja veliki estetski problem. Nekima uz to predstavlja i ogroman psihički problem. Svako opadanje kose prestravi čoveka mogućnošću da više nikada ne izraste.

Alopecija se moze tretirati lokalno imunosupresivnim lekovima ili stimulantima za rast kose, ipak organizam mora sam nadvladati ovu bolest. Ako Vam ne pomognu šamponi protiv opadanja kose, savetuje se pregled kod lekara. Vaš lekar će Vam postaviti pitanja koja su u vezi sa navikama u ishrani, lekovima koje uzimate, bolestima koje ste bolovali, ako ste žena o menstrualnom ciklusu, trudnoćama, menopauzi. Možda će tražiti analizu krvi, nekih hormona ili pregled temena.

Uzroci opadanja kose mogu biti sledeći:

• Nedovoljan unos pojedinih aminokiselina (cistein, metionin), gvožđa, bakra, cinka, nekih vitamina može dovesti do nedostatka supstrata za stvaranje dlake.
• Hemoterapija i zračenje (radioterapija) mogu dovesti do opadanja kose. Posle tretmana kosa ponovo počinje da raste.
• Mnoge žene 3 meseca posle porođaja primećuju pojačano opadanje kose, koje je hormonski uslovljeno. Ova kosa ponovo izraste kada se hormoni vrate u ravnotežu.
• Neki lekovi dovode do opadanja kose (antikoagulansi, oralni kontraceptivi, antidepresivi, retinoidi).
• Gljivične infekcije kože glave mogu izazvati opadanje kose. Ono može biti i simptom neke druge bolesti, npr. lupusa, anemije, pa mu treba pridati značaj.
Iako AA nije po život opasno oboljenje, pa čak ni ne ometa svakodnevno funkcionisanje, a da i ne govorimo o tome da su oboleli mladi i zdravi ljudi koji obično dožive duboku starost ako ne obole od nečeg drugog, ipak je ovo neobjasnjeno ispadanje kose frustrirajuće za pacijenta.

Opadanje kose može biti posledica nedostatka pojedinih vitamina i oligoelemenata, belančevina i ugljenih hidrata neophodnih za normalni rast dlake. Deficit vitamina B12 (cijanokobalamina) ima veze sa opadanjem kose i gubitkom boje (hipopigmentacija). Nedostatak vitamina B5 (pantotenske kiseline) dovodi do poremećaja pigmentacije kose. Vitamin H ili biotin ima ulogu u izgradnji osnovne keratinske supstance dlake i time osigurava čvršću strukturu kose. Deficit ovog vitamina uzrokuje smanjenu aktivnost folikula i opadanje kose. Hipovitaminoza vitamina C utjiče indirektno na opadanje kose zbog smanjene resorpcije gvožđa. Vitamin C poboljšava apsorpciju gvožđa iz žitarica i povrća, a njegov deficit izaziva pojačano opadanje kose. Hipervitaminoza vitamina A može izazvati smanjenu aktivnost korena dlake i usloviti opadanje. Cink je esencijalni mineral koji se terapeutski primjenjuje kod osoba s manjkom cinka, ali povećan unos može čak i pojačati opadanje kose. Ravnoteža bakra je takođe vrlo bitna, jer njegov manjak dovodi do opadanja kose, dok je višak bakra toksičan i dovodi do naglog opadanja kose na velikom delu glave (anageni efluvijum). Lečenje se sastoji u korigovanju ishrane i korišćenju odgovarajućih suplementa.

Istraživanja ove bolesti idu u nekoliko pravaca, u prvom redu u traženju genetskih osnova bolesti, zatim u razvijanju lekova za bolju kontrolu imunoloških reakcija, sredstava za bržu regeneraciju dlake.

Biljni šamponi protiv opadanja kose opskrbljuju koren kose neophodnim mineralima i vitaminima, ishranjuju koren dlake i na taj način stimulišu rast kose. Jedan od takvih je i Marbo Šampon protiv ispadanja kose sa biljnim česticama je jedinstven spoj lekovitog bilja. Aktivni sastojci koprive bogati vitaminima i mineralnim solima potiču lokalnu cirkulaciju i obnovu korena dlake. Ekstrakti kadulje i ružmarina reguliraju lučenje sebuma, sprečavaju mašćenje kose i umiruju svrab i iritacije kože glave. Kod jačih oblika seboreičnog dermatitisa i perutanja preporučuje se upotreba uz Marbo Losion i Marbo Aktivator .