Alopecia Areata Symptoms and Causes
Alopecia Areata is an unpredictable disorder which causes hair loss in 2% of the population of the entire world. Experts and researchers are finding the causes, treatments and diagnosis. alopecia areata treatment has observed a change in the past 10 years. Studies have revealed various facts on the disorder, and more facts are still being revealed.

There are several signs and alopecia areata symptoms, including:
• Patchy hair loss: Most individuals with alopecia areata first notice the condition when they begin losing round patches of hair. The patches are usually about the size of a quarter. Hair loss is often noticed by clumps coming out while showering or excess hair found on the pillow in a person’s bed. The hair loss may stop after the original patches are found or may continue until the person is entirely bald. It can occur not only on the head but also on the eyebrows, on a beard, on the arms or legs, etc.
• Exclamation point hairs: The round patches of baldness on a person with alopecia areata are surrounding by short hairs that get narrower at the bottom, which causes them to resemble exclamation points.
• Nail problems: Alopecia areata can also affect a person’s fingernails and toenails by causing “pitting,” which is tiny, pinpoint dents on the nail surface. Sometimes, the nails also develop white spots or lines, become dull rather than shiny or get a rough texture. In some cases, the nails become thin and brittle to the point where they split or crack.
• Recurrence: In some cases, the hair that was lost will grow back and stay. In others the hair loss is permanent or will come and go over the years. The specific of how much hair is lost and for how long can vary from person to person.
A doctor can diagnose this condition with a physical assessment of a person’s hair loss. In other cases, a skin biopsy or hair sample can be used to confirm that an individual has the autoimmune disease. It’s important to see your doctor if you are experiencing patchy hair loss since this could be a sign of other, more dangerous conditions besides alopecia areata.
What about alopecia areata causes ? It isn't fully known why some people develop alopecia areata. It is an autoimmune disease, which means your body's immune system mistakenly attacks your hair follicles. This reaction prevents new hair from forming and causes existing hair to fall out.
About one in five people with hair loss have a family member who also has the condition. This suggests that alopecia may be genetic. Genes are found in every cell in your body and carry the codes that determine your characteristics such as your hair and eye color. You inherit your genes from your parents. It's possible that having a certain combination of genes makes you more likely to develop alopecia, although other factors also probably play a part. If you have another condition that involves your immune system such as eczema or are prone to allergies, you may be more at risk of alopecia.
There are a number of alopecia areata treatment that you may want to try, although their effectiveness varies for everyone. Some treatments for alopecia areata may encourage your hair to grow back, although none of these can completely cure the condition.
Alopecia Areata is an unpredictable disorder which causes hair loss in 2% of the population of the entire world. Experts and researchers are finding the causes, treatments and diagnosis. alopecia areata treatment has observed a change in the past 10 years. Studies have revealed various facts on the disorder, and more facts are still being revealed.

There are several signs and alopecia areata symptoms, including:
• Patchy hair loss: Most individuals with alopecia areata first notice the condition when they begin losing round patches of hair. The patches are usually about the size of a quarter. Hair loss is often noticed by clumps coming out while showering or excess hair found on the pillow in a person’s bed. The hair loss may stop after the original patches are found or may continue until the person is entirely bald. It can occur not only on the head but also on the eyebrows, on a beard, on the arms or legs, etc.
• Exclamation point hairs: The round patches of baldness on a person with alopecia areata are surrounding by short hairs that get narrower at the bottom, which causes them to resemble exclamation points.
• Nail problems: Alopecia areata can also affect a person’s fingernails and toenails by causing “pitting,” which is tiny, pinpoint dents on the nail surface. Sometimes, the nails also develop white spots or lines, become dull rather than shiny or get a rough texture. In some cases, the nails become thin and brittle to the point where they split or crack.
• Recurrence: In some cases, the hair that was lost will grow back and stay. In others the hair loss is permanent or will come and go over the years. The specific of how much hair is lost and for how long can vary from person to person.
A doctor can diagnose this condition with a physical assessment of a person’s hair loss. In other cases, a skin biopsy or hair sample can be used to confirm that an individual has the autoimmune disease. It’s important to see your doctor if you are experiencing patchy hair loss since this could be a sign of other, more dangerous conditions besides alopecia areata.
What about alopecia areata causes ? It isn't fully known why some people develop alopecia areata. It is an autoimmune disease, which means your body's immune system mistakenly attacks your hair follicles. This reaction prevents new hair from forming and causes existing hair to fall out.
About one in five people with hair loss have a family member who also has the condition. This suggests that alopecia may be genetic. Genes are found in every cell in your body and carry the codes that determine your characteristics such as your hair and eye color. You inherit your genes from your parents. It's possible that having a certain combination of genes makes you more likely to develop alopecia, although other factors also probably play a part. If you have another condition that involves your immune system such as eczema or are prone to allergies, you may be more at risk of alopecia.
There are a number of alopecia areata treatment that you may want to try, although their effectiveness varies for everyone. Some treatments for alopecia areata may encourage your hair to grow back, although none of these can completely cure the condition.
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