Alopecia can be triggered by a stressful event, but that kind of hair falling usually stops when the cause disappears. The condition itself may be emotionally very disturbing. Alopecia Areata symptoms are usually discovered by a hairdresser and it has three stages:
- The first one is when hair stops growing and falls out in the form of bold patches. - The hair that is around the patches can also be broken or tapered. - The final stage when hair grows back.
Psychological effect caused by alopecia areata can be devastating for self-esteem of women, especially young girls. The emotional complications and grief caused by this condition are often compared with death or some fatal illness. Beside the grief women having this disease can feel, they can also develop some types of psychological complications because of the changed image of them others might have. Hair is crucial for the identity of many women, because all the key factors of what makes one woman are connected with hair like femininity, sexuality, attractiveness, and personality. In a study that was done between patients who had cancer and the ones that had alopeacia areata, the patients with alopecia areata had poorer body image.
The key to successful Alopecia Areata treatment is early intervention, diagnosis and treatment, if possible, as with any other dermatological or internal medicine complication. That's the reason why the appointment with your physician can be of great help. As soon you notice some changes ask for a professional opinion. That will make the situation easier and give you enough time to accommodate.
There are a lot of available treatments, like Cortisone injections that are usually used, applied directly into the bald patch, which can stimulate new hair growth. There are also steroid pills, special form of ultraviolet light treatment (PUVA) and ointments. but the one that doesn't have any side-effects is 100% natural formula is Marbo Activator. It activates hair growth on thinning and bald regions in most cases of hair loss especially Alopecia Areata. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and facial hair.Stages of Alopecia Areata
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